

) 當事人頑強的求生意志,應記首功。試想:任誰人獲悉生命已近盡頭,手術化療之類,苟延殘喘之餘,其實毫無效益,徒增痛苦而已;還能選擇堅強面對的,請問能有幾人?諺曰:「天道無親,唯與善人」,而擇善固執即「善」。勉之哉!又,你或會認為,之所以擇善固執,很大程度跟此前華山氣功起死回生的案例有關,而當事人篤信本師所言不誑!嘿,也說得是!

) 明顯不過,讓當事人跨越此番生死劫的,是華山氣功。走筆至此,當浮一大白!而,余意,發揮最關鍵作用的,應是本師特意囑咐她多練的一式「旱地拔蔥」。按:此式,原出高級班,專攻脾、胰兩臟(眾所周知,這兩個器官,位置隱蔽,力所難及,一般欲練無由)。前者,是免疫功能的一個重要部分,凡閉氣的招式都練到;不過,稍嫌消極,而「旱地拔蔥」,其力卻足以直貫之而有餘。而後者,更是傳說中的免疫系統大本營!然否?姑妄聽之,可也。不過,今後,倒應該考慮是否可把此式提前教授?而當然,此式既補胰臟,自然亦是糖尿剋星。

) 此前處理過的,純然經華山氣功治癒的癌症案例,全屬肺癌。從今,本門治癌歷史大可改寫;即是,醫理一脈相通,種種癌症適用,醫不醫得好,全看當事人怎麼練,和起練時的病情而已。

) 還有,其間,除動功外,當事人也有練靜功,其所述「閉氣法」,便是。本來,此前偶有女學員用此招對付小刑小患如暗瘡之類,也甚管用。而今次,當事人卻用之於肺積水和眼疾(是的,化療後,很多人會弱得眼都睜不開),居然也奏奇功,真真值得大書而特書!按:此類靜坐冥想的修煉法,神秘有之,卻其實絕非迷信,現今科學未能解釋而已。已故美國名醫Dr. Lewis Thomas,便曾記載若干則催眠術去疣的案例,其中,不無參考之價值。又,一般的靜功,練的由始至終都是靜功,唯獨本門,是先修動而後練靜;所以,論效果嘛,你知道啦…

) 最後,還須一提的是:當事人此前雖不努力,卻畢竟拾級而登,修過初、中、高各課程;是以本師為其處方時,內容得以豐富得多,俾臻至善。




From: Allan Hui [mailto:antvhui@netvigator.com]

Sent: Thursday, April 26, 2018 12:15 PM

To: SP

Subject: THANK YOU


For better understanding, would like to have a brief chat with you. Can I call you at around 1:30 pm please?




-----Original Message-----

From: SP [mailto:SP@gmail.com]

Sent: Wednesday, April 25, 2018 5:10 PM

To: antvhui@netvigator.com

Subject: THANK YOU


Dear Master Hui,


During October when I did not have that much energy, I could only practise Qi Gong   by sitting down and practise modified version of 平氣 and猿式 plus 閉氣法 for healing 自己的弱點 as you mentioned in class.


When I had more energy to stand up longer from November, I started practising normal version of 平氣、猿式、旱地拔葱 plus 透指功 as you mentioned that it would 大補元氣。

Due to side effects of chemo, I have 鼻敏感、numbness in toes and fingers and hair loss, so I have added 治鼻膜、雙足湧泉和直入湧泉 ,連筋 and 氣貫百會 hopefully to cure these problems.


Thank you,






From: Allan Hui [mailto:antvhui@netvigator.com]

Sent: Wednesday, April 25, 2018 11:33 AM

To: SP

Subject: THANK YOU


Will do. Meanwhile, for better understanding, would like to know exactly what stances you practice everyday. Kindly advise. Thank you.




From: SP [mailto:SP@netvigator.com]

Sent: Tuesday, April 24, 2018 9:29 PM

To: Allan Hui

Subject: Re: THANK YOU


Dear Master Hui,


Even though I had ovarian and peritoneal cancer, there was other complication for me too. I had 2 litres of fluid in my right lung which contained cancer cells and which had been extracted back in October 2017. The doctor who extracted the fluid was surprised why I could still sleep and not complained about shortness of breath at that time. I think this is all due to the fact that I had started practising Qi Gong for 3 weeks already then. 


Ovarian cancer index norm is from 0 to 40. Before surgery in July, it was 2,700 which my radiologist said was very high. Right after surgery in August, it was 2,400 which my surgeon told me that it would need at least 2 months to go down. But instead in October, it had gone up to 5,000 which should be extremely high so that my oncologist was trying to do more test to find out if other chemo drugs would have better effect in vain. So I started to do Qi Gong and, after 3 months of practising, the index went down to 61 (which my oncologist considered it as normal already) and now, in April, it has further reduced to 15.  So I guess Qi Gong would not just help lung cancer case, but with other cancer cases too and the normal time requirement is about 3 months at least.


I do not mind your sharing with other classmates if it would benefit other people.


Thank you very much for your good wishes. I would see you later.


Best regards,






On 24 Apr, 2018, at 1:55 PM, Allan Hui <antvhui@netvigator.com> wrote:

Am glad, SP, and yet not too surprised as just lately I’ve collected 2 other cancer recovery cases from Batch No. 56 that started since last November: 1 man, 1 woman, all in their forties and with Stage 4 lung cancer. Plus the police sergeant that I cured 10 years ago who stays alive till now, there are altogether 3 such cases which, however, are all lung cancers. The only thing alike is that they were all told chances were slim and Qi Gong saved them all in a matter of 3 months.


You may remember that I told you before there are 3 ways to get rid of tumors and Hua Shan Qi Gong provides all 3. However, theory is theory, factual cases say it all. Whilst I was puzzled if Hua Shan Qi Gong works on other kinds of cancer too and if yes, whether or not as speedy, your e-mail comes in time. Thank you!


Subject to your consent, I would like to let other classmates be informed of this miracle of yours. Your personal data will all be concealed, of course. Kindly let me have your reply.


E-mail address updated as requested.


Enjoy your retirement life!








-----Original Message-----

From: SP [mailto:SP@netvigator.com

Sent: Sunday, April 22, 2018 7:03 PM

To: antvhui@netvigator.com

Subject: THANK YOU


 Dear Master Hui,


How are you? Hope everything is well with you!


In case you do not recognise me with my personal email address, I am SP. I have resigned from Mxxxxxx as I have opted for early retirement since beginning of this month, so I am no longer using my company email address. Hope you can update your records so that I can still receive your classes'  information.


I would like to in fact update you with my health condition now.  I am not sure if you remember that last year I told you I could not attend your class as I needed to have a very major surgery on July 31. I was shocked to find out that the diagnosis was Stage 4 ovarian and peritoneal cancer after the surgery.  I was very sad at the time as it seemed that I had limited time to live even with chemo treatment for statistics show that under standard chemo treatment, it would be 10 months more to live and if targeted chemo treatment is added, it would be 14 months.

But I have tried to stay positive all along. I have started undergoing chemo treatment from end of August while at the same time, I have started to practise chi qong from October when my wound started to heal. I started practising the styles that you had told me plus other styles which I think would benefit me after going through all my notes taken after your classes.  When I attended your classes, I had to admit that I seldom had time to practise as I was so busy working. But it is different now as I have a goal. I had been practising chi qong for literally 2 hours every day from October 2017. When I had a PET scan at the end of January 2018, the results show that there is nothing abnormal with no cancer cells and that in February when I checked my cancer marker, it has reduced to normal. This is really a miracle for me.  I have been feeling so happy then.  I would really like to thank you for all your teachings although you might be thinking I am not a good student. :)  Anyways, I just want to let you know my utmost appreciation for you. Thank you so much!


Best regards,